At midnight as I pen this down,
I think of all those days when myself I have bound.
I thought the destiny did not want me to fare,
When in reality I myself did not dare.
All I tried was to please others…
When behind me all I received was their curse.
In my quest of knowing life,
I forgot that for brightness I have a lot to strive.
People in my life came and went away,
Hurting me brutally day by day.
I often asked myself… “don’t I have a reason to smile ?”
But inside I knew that it’s only me who has made myself docile.
Tears became my life’s integral part,
For I had made myself vulnerable right from the start.
Alone I have suffered and made myself weak,
but now my resistance has reached it’s peak.
God made me special… I had forgot,
Its enough I have made myself to rot.
A new soul is born at this new hour…
Who is determined to face all the hardships near and far.
All you people who have tried to diminish my spark,
Beware! I have escaped from the clutches of dreary and dark.
Like a phoenix from my ashes I am again born,
No longer is my life like a slave bound and forlorn.