Thursday, June 16, 2011

I beseech thee!

Who art thou?
Mystery or only a river that mutely flows, 
Embracing this desolate life's highs and lows.
Thy enchantment engulfs the dark and obstacles in thy way, 
And yet ye encounter the unpleasant tides without even a melee!
Who art thou Lady? I beseech thee to speak!

With thy healing power to quench life's thirst,
When angry ye can sink the wretched in earth's crust.
Like a lover, thou caress with a tender touch, 
Whilst in anger, thy rage only tumultuous tides can vouch.
Who art thou Lady? I beseech thee to speak!

Thou absorb the world's affection and hatred, 
Moving along life's course and enclosing each mystery in thy heart's casket.
I kneel before thee, now totally tired and weak. 
Unfold thy mystery; 
Who art thou Lady? I beseech thee to speak!

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